The Journal of Trial & Error is administered by the non-profit organization by the same name based in the Netherlands. As such and under Dutch law, we remain a charitable institution and have an ANBI status (Algemeen nut beogende instelling).
Statutory Name: Stichting Journal of Trial and Error
Fiscal Number (RISN): 861459477
IBAN: NL96BUNQ2057101282
Board Members: Stefan Gaillard (Chair), Maura Burke (General Board Member), Alex Visser (Secretary), Marcel Hobma (Treasurer), and Thomas Jorna (General Board Member)
Rewarding Policy: In addition to our necessary operational fees, the board identifies members who are to be reimbursed by the Journal of Trial and Error. These members receive modest reimbursement for their time. The Journal of Trial and Error does not offer competitive salaries. The board determines all reimbursements in yearly meetings, where each board member has one (1) vote.
Download the Policy Plan of the Stichting Journal of Trial and Error down below.